• 01

    • Not tailored to early career professionals

    • No clear CoFounder/Founder distinction - aimed at Founders

    • Many features paywalled

  • 02

    • Not tailored to startups or early career professionals

    • Awkward user flow for finding CoFounders and establishing equal dynamic

  • 03

    • Not tailored to startups or early career professionals

    • Awkward user flow for finding CoFounders and establishing equal dynamic

  • 04

    • Not tailored to startups or early career professionals

    • Awkward user flow for finding CoFounders and establishing equal dynamic


  • "

    I think we met in, like, first grade? Not sure, we’ve been friends for, like, my whole life.

    CODE: serendipity

  • "

    We’ve been friends since the third grade.

    CODE: serendipity

  • "

    Through class! It was CSE122, I think?

    CODE: serendipity, class

  • "

    Haven’t found one yet! If you know an iOS dev please let me know!

    CODE: not yet!

  • "

    We were in the same friend group, and by chance they happened to be cracked at design.

    CODE: serendipity

  • "

    I've known her since I was a kid, our parents are friends.

    CODE: serendipity

An all-in-one solution that matches early-stage startup founders with their technical and non-technical cofounders. Designed to be deleted, CoFoundry prioritizes quick and effective matches to get your idea off of the ground as soon as possible.

An all-in-one solution that matches early-stage startup founders with their technical and non-technical cofounders. Designed to be deleted, CoFoundry prioritizes quick and effective matches to get your idea off of the ground as soon as possible.

UX Design + Research

Branding and Visual Design

Motion Design

01 Introduction

How did you find your cofounder?

In order to define my problem space, I interviewed multiple founders of student-run startups at UW and beyond.

In order to define my problem space, I interviewed multiple founders of student-run startups at UW and beyond.

The takeaway? Most interviewed founders relied on serendipity—their cofounders were friends, classmates, roommates, or chance hackathon teammates. They often had to compromise, and build their initial offerings around their team’s existing skillset. Additionally, some reported building companies strained or even ended friendships. They also often reported being unable to find cofounders with the skillsets their projects required.

The takeaway? Most interviewed founders relied on serendipity—their cofounders were friends, classmates, roommates, or chance hackathon teammates. They often had to compromise, and build their initial offerings around their team’s existing skillset. Additionally, some reported building companies strained or even ended friendships. They also often reported being unable to find cofounders with the skillsets their projects required.

02 Problem

Early-stage startup founders struggle to find compatible co-founders, creating a need for a platform that efficiently matches founders based on relevant criteria to build stronger, more successful partnerships.

03 Research

Understanding the Stakeholders

Understanding our


In order to understand who CoFoundry is built for and how to best serve them, I conducted qualitative interviews on self-identified cofounders and founders.

In order to understand who CoFoundry is built for and how to best serve them, I conducted qualitative interviews on self-identified cofounders and founders.



CoFounders have skills, but may not know people with ideas to develop. They’re looking for to be a part of an exciting project that aligns with their skills and interests.

CoFounders have skills, but may not know people with ideas to develop. They’re looking for to be a part of an exciting project that aligns with their skills and interests.

Interview Quotes

Internships are SO hard to get these days. It would be amazing to have a real startup project on my portfolio, especially one where I can have agency over my work, and learn what I want to learn.

Internships are SO hard to get these days. It would be amazing to have a real startup project on my portfolio, especially one where I can have agency over my work, and learn what I want to learn.

I’m already in UW clubs like DFA [Design for America - UX club] and WebImpact [Pro-bono websites for Seattle nonprofits] to get UX experience, but these clubs are often kind of limited in what they do. It would be nice to work on a real project, where everyone is motivated and excited about the mission

I’m already in UW clubs like DFA [Design for America - UX club] and WebImpact [Pro-bono websites for Seattle nonprofits] to get UX experience, but these clubs are often kind of limited in what they do. It would be nice to work on a real project, where everyone is motivated and excited about the mission

Honestly, I would definitely work without immediate pay (I already do for WebImpact and DFA). But I think I would want to be on equal status as whoever I’m working for - I’d want the chance to make real decisions, not to be just an employee.

Honestly, I would definitely work without immediate pay (I already do for WebImpact and DFA). But I think I would want to be on equal status as whoever I’m working for - I’d want the chance to make real decisions, not to be just an employee.

We want...

To work on projects that excite us

  • An easy and intuitive experience

  • Equal status - we don’t want to have to submit 100 applications a day, or to be subjected to a lengthy interview process

  • To join a project ASAP

We want...

  • To work on projects that excite us

  • An easy and intuitive experience

  • Equal status - we don’t want to have to submit 100 applications a day, or to be subjected to a lengthy interview process

  • To join a project ASAP

We want...

  • To work on projects that excite us

  • An easy and intuitive experience

  • Equal status - we don’t want to have to submit 100 applications a day, or to be subjected to a lengthy interview process

  • To join a project ASAP

  • To work on projects that excite us

  • An easy and intuitive experience

  • Equal status - we don’t want to have to submit 100 applications a day, or to be subjected to a lengthy interview process

  • To join a project ASAP



Founders have ideas, but may not have access to people with the skills they need. They come to CoFoundry to match with the CoFounders they need to build their ideas.

Founders have ideas, but may not have access to people with the skills they need. They come to CoFoundry to match with the CoFounders they need to build their ideas.

Interview Quotes

I would love to try to actually make [stealth idea] happen. But I don’t know any CS or developer people, and it’s so weird to reach out on LinkedIn or whatever. Plus, I feel like everyone is so busy at school, it would be hard to find people willing to take this on

I would love to try to actually make [stealth idea] happen. But I don’t know any CS or developer people, and it’s so weird to reach out on LinkedIn or whatever. Plus, I feel like everyone is so busy at school, it would be hard to find people willing to take this on

It would be great to expand our team at [startup]. Mostly its just me and a couple friends, but we don’t really have any marketing or business people. But It would be awkward to ask people to help, I think, especially since we can really, like, pay them or anything (laughs)

It would be great to expand our team at [startup]. Mostly its just me and a couple friends, but we don’t really have any marketing or business people. But It would be awkward to ask people to help, I think, especially since we can really, like, pay them or anything (laughs)

Yeah, we definitely need some more developers at [startup]. I don’t even know where to start to look, to be honest. I’d probably just ask people to ask their friends, but it’s hard to vet the quality of their work.

Yeah, we definitely need some more developers at [startup]. I don’t even know where to start to look, to be honest. I’d probably just ask people to ask their friends, but it’s hard to vet the quality of their work.

Evaluating Existing Solutions

The next step in our user research was finding the main competitors, and identifying their shortcomings for CoFoundry to target.

The next step in our user research was finding the main competitors, and identifying their shortcomings for CoFoundry to target.

04 Design

Our Design Goals

The user research findings were then synthesized into clear design goals.

The user research findings were then synthesized into clear design goals.

Quick Turnaround


Both stakeholders emphasized a need for efficiency - no sifting through hundreds of replies on a LinkedIn post or spending hours filling out an Indeed application form with information that’s on the resume you just submitted.

Both stakeholders emphasized a need for efficiency - no sifting through hundreds of replies on a LinkedIn post or spending hours filling out an Indeed application form with information that’s on the resume you just submitted.

Equal standing


CoFoundry is aimed at pre-seed, pre-revenue startups and young Founders and CoFounders. CoFounders aren’t employees - if they’re working without pay, they deserve a say in the company. CF aimed to solve the inherent power imbalance that comes with the traditional hiring process by placing both parties on squarely equal footing.

CoFoundry is aimed at pre-seed, pre-revenue startups and young Founders and CoFounders. CoFounders aren’t employees - if they’re working without pay, they deserve a say in the company. CF aimed to solve the inherent power imbalance that comes with the traditional hiring process by placing both parties on squarely equal footing.



Indeed and LinkedIn are often miserable places, for both stakeholders. CoFoundry is not only an app, but an experience—one that should be exciting for both parties. No grey interfaces and boring design language here. CF aims to imbue the visual and interaction design experience with as much joy as possible.

Indeed and LinkedIn are often miserable places, for both stakeholders. CoFoundry is not only an app, but an experience—one that should be exciting for both parties. No grey interfaces and boring design language here. CF aims to imbue the visual and interaction design experience with as much joy as possible.

Early Iterations

I focused on iterating the core flow of the application.

I focused on iterating the core flow of the application.



  • Divergent interface from LinkedIn/Indeed

  • Right Direction

  • Tailored to startups

  • Divergent interface from LinkedIn/Indeed

  • Right Direction

  • Tailored to startups


  • Overcomplicated

  • Ideally same UI for CF and F

  • Applications create power imbalance

  • Overcomplicated

  • Ideally same UI for CF and F

  • Applications create power imbalance



  • Simpler interface

  • Less UI discrepancy between CF/F

  • Swipe motion is nice

  • Chat interface is better

  • Simpler interface

  • Less UI discrepancy between CF/F

  • Swipe motion is nice

  • Chat interface is better


  • Still too complicated

  • Likely slower turnaround time

  • Might get inundated with chats

  • Still too complicated

  • Likely slower turnaround time

  • Might get inundated with chats


Final Direction


  • Innovative and exciting UI

  • Turnaround is prioritized

  • One on one matches = less chats, easier time responding

  • Less choices = less cognitive load

  • Algorithmic matches deviate product from competitors

  • Innovative and exciting UI

  • Turnaround is prioritized

  • One on one matches = less chats, easier time responding

  • Less choices = less cognitive load

  • Algorithmic matches deviate product from competitors

Information Architecture

Once the core interaction was finalized, the next step was creating a user flow for the main information architecture of the application.

Once the core interaction was finalized, the next step was creating a user flow for the main information architecture of the application.

The Algorithm

CoFoundry’s matching algorithm is the heart of the application. It uses a tiered matching algorithm, which takes into account each category of tags users are prompted to enter when they create an account. The algorithm then matches users in the order of importance listed below.

CoFoundry’s matching algorithm is the heart of the application. It uses a tiered matching algorithm, which takes into account each category of tags users are prompted to enter when they create an account. The algorithm then matches users in the order of importance listed below.

Visual Design and Brand Identity

To accomplish the mission to bring joy to the recruitment process, I created the Ingot design system. Complete with vibrant colors, custom illustrations, and plenty of gradients, Ingot allows CoFoundry to further distinguish itself from its competitors and align itself with a youthful audience.

To accomplish the mission to bring joy to the recruitment process, I created the Ingot design system. Complete with vibrant colors, custom illustrations, and plenty of gradients, Ingot allows CoFoundry to further distinguish itself from its competitors and align itself with a youthful audience.

05 Final Deliverables

The final design

After multiple iterations, I arrived at the final high fidelity designs.

After multiple iterations, I arrived at the final high fidelity designs.

What is CoFoundry?

The main priority in the onboarding process was to make CoFoundry’s mission and purpose as clear as possible. There’s a slightly confusing amount of vocabulary involved, and CoFoundry is a relatively unfamiliar structure. To address these issues, I designed a bespoke animation with custom illustrations.

The main priority in the onboarding process was to make CoFoundry’s mission and purpose as clear as possible. There’s a slightly confusing amount of vocabulary involved, and CoFoundry is a relatively unfamiliar structure. To address these issues, I designed a bespoke animation with custom illustrations.


Onboarding flow

CoFoundry’s tag system is integral to the way the app works. I wanted to create a very polished, high fidelity experience for this portion of the onboarding flow. The interaction is modeled off of similar profile building flows employed by TikTok and Instagram.

CoFoundry’s tag system is integral to the way the app works. I wanted to create a very polished, high fidelity experience for this portion of the onboarding flow. The interaction is modeled off of similar profile building flows employed by TikTok and Instagram.



This is CoFoundry’s core interaction. I wanted to preserve the exciting and clean UI, while introducing a pleasant swiping motion. We added a second click in the form of ‘Next Founder’ or ‘Start Chat’ buttons intentionally - to diverge the UI from Tinder and allow for more time to process and act intentionally.

This is CoFoundry’s core interaction. I wanted to preserve the exciting and clean UI, while introducing a pleasant swiping motion. We added a second click in the form of ‘Next Founder’ or ‘Start Chat’ buttons intentionally - to diverge the UI from Tinder and allow for more time to process and act intentionally.


It's a match!

I wanted this interaction - the act of starting a potential match - to be infused with joy and excitement. To achieve this goal, I designed another bespoke animation that adds gravitas to the moment.

I wanted this interaction - the act of starting a potential match - to be infused with joy and excitement. To achieve this goal, I designed another bespoke animation that adds gravitas to the moment.



CoFounders and Founders might be juggling multiple matches at once. As such, the ‘All Chats’ page was designed with intentional breathing room and negative space. In addition, we added an at-a-glance AI preview of the chat and the individual’s tags front and center.



CoFoundry is aimed at high schoolers, college students, and recent college grads. Our user base may not have experience talking to potential partners, and conversations could end up unproductive or awkward. I designed CoFo to be an AI-powered assistant that the users can invite to their chat. CoFo will analyze both profiles and the existing chats, and provide prompts, questions, and clarifications to aid the process.


07 The end

Final thoughts and next steps

Through CoFoundry, I learned an immense amount about UX design and research, as well as the design process as a whole. This was my first start to finish UX project, and I was able to get a taste for every role in and step of the process. Although there are currently no plans to develop and implement CoFoundry, I maintain that it has a viable business case and addresses an important need. If you'd like to be my CoFounder, reach out at araote@uw.edu!

Bonus: some fun marketing material! Thank you for reading :]